Webster's English Dictionary

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Cross references:
  1. disposition           
per.son.al.i.ty \.p*rs-*n-'al-*t-e-, .p*r-'snal-\ n [ME personalite, fr. LL 
   personalitat-, personalitas, fr. p]ersonalis 1a: the quality or state of 
   being a person  1b: personal existence  2a: the condition or fact of 
   relating to a particular person; specif  : the condition of referring 
   directly to or aimed disparagingly or hostilely at an individual 2b: an 
   offensively personal remark  3a: the complex of characteristics that 
   distinguishes an individual or a na tion or group 3b1: the totality of an 
   individual's behavioral and emotional tendencies  3b2: the organization of 
   the individual's distinguishing character traits,  attitudes, or habits 4a: 
   distinction or excellence of personal and social traits  4b: a person 
   having such quality  4c: a person of importance, prominence, renown, or 