Webster's English Dictionary

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1. no \(')no-\ av [ME, fr. OE na-, fr. ne not + a- always; akin to ON & 
   O]HG ne not, L ne-, Gk ne-- - more at AYE chiefly Scot  1a: NOT  1b: - used 
   as a function word to express the negative of an alternative  choice or 
   possibility 2: in no respect or degree - used in comparisons  3: not so - 
   used to express negation, dissent, denial, or refusal  4: - used with a 
   following adjective to imply a meaning expressed by the  opposite positive 
   statement {~ uncertain terms} 5: - used as a function word to emphasize a 
   following negative or to int roduce a more emphatic, explicit, or 
   comprehensive statement 6: - used as an interjection to express surprise, 
   doubt, or incredulity 
2. no aj 1a: not any {~ parking}  1b: hardly any : very little {finished in 
   ~ time}  2: not a : quite other than a {he's ~ expert} 
3. no \'no-\ \'no-z\ n or noes or nos pl  1: an act or instance of refusing 
   or denying by the use of the word noX : DENIAL 2a: a negative vote or 
   decision  pl  2b: persons voting in the negative 
4. no \'no-\ n or no [Jap no-, lit., talent] pl  often cap  : classic 
   Japanese dance-drama that is heroic in subject and in the use of  measured 
   chants and movements