connection or con.nex.ion \k*-'nek-sh*n\ \-shn*l, -sh*n-*l\ n [L
connexion-, connexio, fr. conexus, pp. of conectere] chiefly Brit 1: the
act of connecting : the state of being connected : as 1a: causal or
logical relation or sequence 1b: contextual relations or associations 1c:
a relation of personal intimacy (as of family ties) 1d: COHERENCE,
CONTINUITY 2a: something that connects : LINK 2b: a means of
communication or transport 3: a person connected with others esp. by
marriage or kinship 4: a social, professional, or commercial relationship
: as 4a: POSITION, JOB 4b: an arrangement to execute orders or advance
interests of another slang 4c: a source of contraband 5: a set of
persons associated together : as 5a: DENOMINATION 5b: CLAN - aj