Webster's English Dictionary

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1. per.son.al \'p*rs-n*l, -*n-*l\ aj [ME, fr. MF, fr. LL personalis, fr. L 
   persona] : of, relating to, or affecting a person : PRIVATE  2a: done in 
   person without the intervention of another; also : pro ceeding from a 
   single person 2b: carried on between individuals directly  3: relating to 
   the person or body  4: relating to an individual or his character, conduct, 
   motives, or privat e affairs often in an offensive manner 5: rational and 
   self-conscious  6: of, relating to, or constituting personal property  7: 
   denoting grammatical person 
2. personal n : a short newspaper paragraph relating to a person or group 
   or to personal  matters