Webster's English Dictionary

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im.per.ti.nent \(')im-'p*rt-*n-*nt, -'p*rt-n*nt\ aj [ME, fr. MF, fr. LL 
   impertinent-, impertinens, fr. L in- + Xpertinent-, pertinens, prp. of 
   pertine-re to pertain 1: not pertinent : IRRELEVANT  2: not restrained 
   within due or proper bounds : INSOLENT  IMPERTINENT implies exceeding the 
   bounds of propriety in showing interest or curiosity or in offering advice; 
   OFFICIOUS implies the offering of services or attention that are unwelcome 
   or annoying; MEDDLESOME stresses an annoying and usu. prying interference 
   in others' affairs; INTRUSIVE implies a tactless or otherwise objectionable 
   thrusting into others' affairs; OBTRUSIVE stresses improper or offensive 
   conspicuousness of interfering actions - im.per.ti.nent.ly av SYN syn