Webster's English Dictionary

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Cross references:
  1. fit                   
1. prop.er \'pra:p-*r\ aj [ME propre proper, own, fr. OF, fr. L proprius 
   own] 1: marked by suitability, rightness, or appropriateness : FIT  2a: 
   appointed for the liturgy of a particular day  2b: belonging to one : OWN  
   2c: referring to one individual only {~ noun}  2d: represented heraldically 
   in natural color  3: belonging characteristically to a species or 
   individual : PECULIAR  4: very good : EXCELLENT  chiefly Brit  5: UTTER, 
   ABSOLUTE {a ~ villain}  chiefly dial  6: BECOMING, HANDSOME  7: strictly 
   limited to a specified thing, place, or idea {the city ~)R} 8a: strictly 
   accurate : CORRECT  archaic  8b: VIRTUOUS, RESPECTABLE  8c: strictly 
   decorous : GENTEEL 
2. proper n 1a: the special liturgical office for a particular day  1b: the 
   parts of the mass that vary according to the day or feast  2: the part of a 
   missal or breviary containing the offices proper to certai n feasts or 
3. proper av chiefly dial  : THOROUGHLY, COMPLETELY