Webster's English Dictionary

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1. with.in \with-'in, with-\ av [ME withinne, fr. OE withinnan, fr. with + 
   innan inward]ly, within, fr. in 1: in or into the interior : INSIDE  2: in 
   one's inner thought, disposition, or character : INWARDLY 
2. within pp 1: in the inner part of  2: in or into the limits or compass 
   of : as  2a: before the end of {gone ~ a week}  2b1: not beyond the 
   quantity, degree, or limitations of {lives ~ h is income} 2b2: in or into 
   the scope or sphere of {~ the jurisdiction of the  state} 2b3: in or into 
   the range of {~ reach ~ sight}  2b4: - used as a function word to indicate 
   a specified difference or mar gin of error {came ~ two points of a perfect 
   mark} 2c: not farther than : nearer than {~ a mile of the town}  3: to the 
   inside of : INTO {revolt from ~} 
3. within n : an inner place or area {revolt from ~} 
4. within aj : being inside : ENCLOSED