Webster's English Dictionary

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1. due \'d(y)u:\ aj [ME, fr. MF deu, pp. of devoir to owe, fr. L debe-re - 
   m]ore at DEBT 1: owed or owing as a debt  2a: owed or owing as a natural or 
   moral right  2b: according to accepted notions or procedures : APPROPRIATE  
   3a: satisfying or capable of satisfying a need, obligation, or duty : 
   MADEQUATE 3b: REGULAR, LAWFUL {~ proof of loss}  4: ATTRIBUTABLE, 
   ASCRIBABLE - used with to  5: having reached the date at which payment is 
   required : PAYABLE  6: required or expected in the prescribed, normal, or 
   logical course of ev ents : SCHEDULED - due.ness n
2. due n : something due or owed :  : something that rightfully belongs to 
   one  : a payment or obligation required by law or custom : DEBT  pl  : 
3. due av obs  1: DULY  2: DIRECTLY, EXACTLY {~ north}