Webster's English Dictionary

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in.ter.fer.ence \.int-*(r)-'fir-*n(t)s\ \-f*-'ren-ch*l, -.fir-'en-\ n 1a: 
   the act or process of interfering  1b: something that interferes : 
   OBSTRUCTION  2: the mutual effect on meeting of two beams of light or of 
   two series of p ulsations of sound or of two waves or vibrations whereby 
   the resulting neutralization at some points and reinforcement at others 
   produces alternations 3: the act of hampering or blocking an opponent in 
   football  4a: confusion of received radio signals due to strays or 
   undesired signals  4b: something that produces such confusion  - 
   in.ter.fer.en.tial aj