Webster's English Dictionary

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in.fre.quent \(')in-'fre--kw*nt\ aj [L infrequent-, infrequens, fr. in- + 
   frequent-, fre]quens frequent 1: seldom happening or occurring : RARE  2: 
   placed or occurring at considerable distances or intervals : OCCAS IONALDIC 
   mean not common or abundant. INFREQUENT implies occurrence at wide 
   intervals in space or time; UNCOMMON suggests a frequency below normal 
   expectation; SCARCE implies falling short of a standard or required 
   abundance; RARE suggests extreme scarcity or infrequency and consequent 
   high value; SPORADIC implies occurrence in scattered instances or isolated 
   outbursts - in.fre.quent.ly av SYN syn INFREQUENT, UNCOMMON, SCARCE, RARE,