Webster's English Dictionary

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Cross references:
  1. broad                 
1. wide \'wi-d\ aj [ME, fr. OE wi-d; akin to OHG wi-t wide] 1a: having 
   great extent : VAST  1b: extending over a vast area : EXTENSIVE  1c: 
   extending throughout a specified area or scope {nationwide}  1d: 
   COMPREHENSIVE, INCLUSIVE  2a: having a specified extension from side to 
   side {3 feet ~}  2b: having much extent between the sides : BROAD  2c: 
   fully opened  2d: LAX  3a: extending or fluctuating considerably between 
   limits  3b: straying or deviating from something specified {~ of the truth 
   } of an animal ration  4: relatively rich in carbohydrate as compared with 
   protein  - wide.ly av
2. wide av 1a: over a great distance or extent : WIDELY {searched far and 
   (R@} 1b: over a specified distance, area, or extent {expanded the business 
   co untry-wide} 2a: so as to leave much space or distance between  2b: so as 
   to pass at or clear by a considerable distance {ran ~ ar ound left end} 3: 
   COMPLETELY, FULLY {opened her eyes ~}  4: so as to diverge or miss : ASTRAY 
   {the bullet went ~}