Webster's English Dictionary

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Cross references:
  1. regular               
1. nor.mal \'no.r-m*l\ \no.r-'mal-*t-e-\ \'no.r-m*-le-\ aj [L normalis, fr. 
   norma carpenter's square] 1: PERPENDICULAR; esp : perpendicular to a 
   tangent at a poin t of tangency 2: according to, constituting, or not 
   deviating from a norm, rule, or prin ciple : REGULAR 3: occurring naturally 
   {~ immunity}  4a: of, relating to, or characterized by average intelligence 
   or developme nt 4b: free from mental disorder : SANE  of a solution  5a: 
   having a concentration of one gram equivalent of solute per liter  5b: 
   containing neither basic hydroxyl nor acid hydrogen {~ silver  phosphate 
   Ag3PO4} 5c: not associated {~ molecules}  5d: having a straight-chain 
   structure {~ pentane ~ butyl alc ohol} - nor.mal.i.ty n
2. normal n 1a: a normal line  1b: the portion of a normal line to a plane 
   curve between the curve and the  x-axis 2: one that is normal  3: a form or 
   state regarded as the norm : STANDARD