Webster's English Dictionary

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Cross references:
  1. excessive             
1. ex.treme \ik-'stre-m\ aj [ME, fr. MF, fr. L extremus, superl. of exter, 
   exterus being]on the outside 1a: existing in the highest or the greatest 
   possible degree {~ pov erty} 1b: going to great or exaggerated lengths  1c: 
   exceeding the ordinary, usual, or expected  archaic  2: LAST  3: situated 
   at the farthest possible point from a center  4a: most advanced : UTMOST  
   4b: MAXIMUM  - ex.treme.ly av
2. extreme n 1: an extreme state or condition  2a: something situated at or 
   marking one end or the other of a range  2b: the first term or the last 
   term of a mathematical proportion  2c: the major term or minor term of a 
   syllogism  3a: a very pronounced or excessive degree  3b: MAXIMUM  4: an 
   extreme measure or expedient