Webster's English Dictionary

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1. high \'hi-\ aj [ME, fr. OE he-ah; akin to OHG ho-h high, L cacumen 
   poi]nt, top 1a: extending or raised up : ELEVATED  1b: having a specified 
   elevation : TALL {six feet ~}  2a: advanced toward its fullness or 
   culmination {~ summer}  2b: beginning to taint {~ game}  2c: long past : 
   REMOTE {~ antiquity}  3: SHRILL, SHARP {~ note}  4: relatively far from the 
   equator {~ latitude}  5: exalted in character : NOBLE  6: of greater 
   degree, size, amount, or content than average or ordinary (~ pressure} 7: 
   of relatively great importance : as  7a: foremost in rank, dignity, or 
   standing  7b: SERIOUS, GRAVE {~ crimes}  8: FORCIBLE, STRONG {~ winds}  9a: 
   BOASTFUL, ARROGANT  9b: showing elation or excitement  9c: INTOXICATED  10: 
   COSTLY, DEAR  11: advanced in complexity, development, or elaboration {~er  
   mathematics} 12: articulated with some part of the tongue close to the 
   palate {/ e-/ is a ~ vowel} or placement at a conspicuous height above the 
   ground or above some standard level; TALL applies to what grows or rises 
   high by comparison with others of its kind and usu. implies relative 
   narrowness; LOFTY implies great imposing altitude. Figuratively HIGH 
   implies excellence or distinction, or complexity in development, or 
   arrogance of manner; TALL implies exaggeration; LOFTY suggests moral 
   grandeur or dignity, or sometimes superciliousness - high.ly av SYN syn 
   TALL, LOFTY: HIGH implies marked extension upward, 
2. high av 1: at or to a high place, altitude, or degree  2: RICHLY, 
3. high n 1: an elevated place or region : as  1a: HILL, KNOLL  1b: SKY, 
   HEAVEN  2: a region of high barometric pressure : ANTICYCLONE  3a: a high 
   point or level : HEIGHT  3b: the transmission gear of an automotive vehicle 
   giving the highest ratio  of propeller-shaft to engine-shaft speed and 
   consequently the highest speed of travel