Webster's English Dictionary

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Cross references:
  1. intention             
1. in.tent \in-'tent\ n [ME entent, fr. OF, fr. LL intentus, fr. L, act of 
   stretching out,]fr. intentus, pp. of intendere 1a: the act or fact of 
   intending : PURPOSE  1b: the state of mind with which an act is done : 
   VOLITION  2: an end or object proposed : AIM  3a: MEANING, SIGNIFICANCE  
   3b: the connotation of a term 
2. intent aj [L intentus, fr. pp. of intendere] 1: directed with strained 
   or eager attention : CONCENTRATED  2a: having the mind or attention fixedly 
   directed on something : ENGR OSSED 2b: having the mind or will concentrated 
   on some end or purpose : DET ERMINED - in.tent.ly av