Webster's English Dictionary

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1. term \'t*rm\ n [ME terme boundary, end, fr. OF, fr. L terminus; akin to 
   Gk term]o-n boundary, end, Skt tarati he crosses over - more at THROUGH 1: 
   END, TERMINATION  2a: a limited or definite extent of time; esp : the time 
   for which  something lasts : DURATION, TENURE 2b: parturition at the normal 
   period  3: a fixed period of time : as  3a: one for which an estate is 
   granted  3b: one during which a court is in session  4: division in a 
   school year during which instruction is regularly given to  students 5a: a 
   unitary or compound expression connected with another by a plus or mi nus 
   sign 5b: an element of a fraction or proportion or of a series or sequence  
   6: one of the three substantive elements of a syllogism  7a: a work or 
   expression that has a precise meaning in some uses or is pecu liar to a 
   science, art, profession, or subject {legal ~} pl  7b: diction of a 
   specified kind  pl  8: provisions stated or offered for acceptance and 
   determining the nature a nd scope of the agreement pl  9a: mutual 
   relationship : FOOTING  9b: AGREEMENT, CONCORD  10: a boundary post or 
   stone; esp : a quadrangular pillar often tap ering downward and adorned 
   with a head or upper body : with respect to  - in terms of 
2. term vt : to apply a term to : CALL, NAME