Webster's English Dictionary

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Cross references:
  1. intention             
1. pur.pose \'p*r-p*s\ \-f*l\ \-f*-le-\ \-f*l-n*s\ \-l*s\ n [ME purpos, fr. 
   OF, fr. purposer to purpose, fr. L proponere](perf. indic. proposui) to 
   propose - more at PROPOSE 1a: something set up as an object or end to be 
   attained : INTENTION  1b: RESOLUTION, DETERMINATION  2: an object or result 
   aimed at  3: a subject under discussion or an action in course of execution 
    : by intent : INTENTIONALLY  - pur.pose.ful aj
2. purpose vt : to propose as an aim to oneself