Webster's English Dictionary

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Cross references:
  1. intention             
1. aim \'a-m\ vb [ME aimen, fr. MF aesmer & esmer; MF aesmer, fr. OF, fr. 
   a]- (fr. L ad-) + esmer to estimate, fr. L aestimare - more at ESTEEM 1: to 
   direct a course : point a weapon  2: ASPIRE  obs  1: GUESS, CONJECTURE  2a: 
   POINT  2b: to direct to or toward a specified object or goal  2c: INTEND 
2. aim n obs  1: MARK, TARGET  2: the pointing of a weapon at a mark; also 
   : the weapon's accuracy  or effectiveness obs  3a: CONJECTURE, GUESS  3b: 
   the purposive directing of effort  4: OBJECT, PURPOSE