Webster's English Dictionary

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1. mind \'mi-nd\ n [ME, fr. OE gemynd; akin to OHG gimunt memory; both fr. 
   a prehistor]ic EGmc-WGmc compound whose first constituent is represented by 
   OE ge- (perfective prefix) and whose second constituent is akin to L ment-, 
   mens mind, mone-re to remind, warn, Gk menos spirit, mnasthai, 
   mimne-skesthai to remember - more at CO- 1: RECOLLECTION, MEMORY  2a: the 
   element or complex of elements in an individual that feels, perceiv es, 
   thinks, wills, and esp. reasons 2b: the conscious events and capabilities 
   in an organism  2c: the organized conscious and unconscious adaptive 
   activity of an organis m 3: INTENTION, DESIRE  4: the normal or healthy 
   condition of the mental faculties  5: OPINION, VIEW  6: DISPOSITION, MOOD  
   7a: a person or group embodying mental qualities {the public ~}  7b: 
   intellectual ability  cap, Christian Science  8: GOD  9: a conscious 
   substratum or factor in the universe 
2. mind vt chiefly dial  1: REMIND  chiefly dial  2: REMEMBER  3: to attend 
   to closely  4a: to become aware of : NOTICE  chiefly dial  4b: INTEND, 
   PURPOSE  5a: to give heed to  5b: OBEY  6a: to be concerned about  6b: 
   DISLIKE  7a: to be careful : SEE {~ you finish it}  7b: to be cautious 
   about {~ the broken rung}  8: to take charge of : TEND  1: to be attentive 
   or wary  2: to become concerned : CARE  3: to pay heed; esp : OBEY  - 
   mind.er n