Webster's English Dictionary

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1. kin.dle \'kin-d*l\ \-(d)lin, -d*l-in\ \-(d)l*r, -d*l-*r\ vb or kin.dling 
   [ME kindlen, fr. ON kynda; akin to OHG cuntesal fire] 1: to start (a fire) 
   burning : LIGHT  2: to stir up : AROUSE  3: to cause to glow : ILLUMINATE  
   1: to catch fire  2a: to flare up  2b: to become animated  3: to become 
   illuminated  - kin.dler n
2. kindle vb [ME kindlen] : BEAR - used esp. of a rabbit  : to bring forth 
   young - used esp. of a rabbit