Webster's English Dictionary

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Cross references:
  1. blaze                 
1. glow \'glo-\ vi [ME glowen, fr. OE glo-wan; akin to OE geolu yellow - 
   mo]re at YELLOW 1a: to shine with or as if with an intense heat  1b1: to 
   have a rich warm typically ruddy color  1b2: FLUSH, BLUSH  2a: to 
   experience a sensation of or as if of heat  2b: to show exuberance or 
   elation {~ with pride} 
2. glow n 1: brightness or warmth of color; esp REDNESS  2a: warmth of 
   feeling or emotion  2b: a sensation of warmth  3: light such as is emitted 
   by a solid body heated to luminosity : INC ANDESCENCE