Webster's English Dictionary

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Cross references:
  1. blaze                 
1. flare \'fla(*)r, 'fle(*)r\ vb [origin unknown] 1a: to stream in the wind 
    1b: to burn with an unsteady flame  2a: to shine with a sudden light  2b: 
   to become suddenly excited or angry {~ up}  3: to open or spread outward  
   1: to display flaringly  2: to cause to flare  3: to signal with a flare or 
   by flaring 
2. flare n 1: an unsteady glaring light  2a: a fire or blaze of light used 
   to signal, illuminate, or attract attenti on; also : a device or 
   composition used to produce such a flare 2b: a temporary outburst of energy 
   from a small area of the sun's surface  3: a sudden outburst (as of sound, 
   excitement, or anger)  4: a spreading outward; also : a place or part that 
   spreads  5: light resulting from reflection (as between lens surfaces) or 
   an effect  of this light (as a fogged or dense area in a photographic 