Webster's English Dictionary

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bring \'brin\ \'bro.t\ \'brin-in\ vb or brought;  or bring.ing [ME bringen, 
   fr. OE bringan; akin to OHG bringan to bring, W]hebrwng to accompany 1a: to 
   convey, lead, carry, or cause to come along with one toward the pla ce from 
   which the action is being regarded 1b: to cause to be, act, or move in a 
   special way : as  1b1: ATTRACT  1b2: PERSUADE, INDUCE  1b3: FORCE, COMPEL  
   1b4: to cause to come into a particular state or condition  dial  1c: 
   ESCORT, ACCOMPANY  2: to cause to exist or occur : as  2a: PRODUCE {winter 
   will ~ snow and ice}  2b: to result in : EFFECT  2c: INSTITUTE {~ legal 
   action}  2d: ADDUCE {~ an argument}  3: PREFER {~ a charge}  4: to procure 
   in exchange : sell for  chiefly Midland  : YIELD, PRODUCE