Webster's English Dictionary

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Cross references:
  1. begin                 
1. start \'sta:rt\ vb [ME sterten; akin to MHG sterzen to stand up stiffly, 
   move quickly,] Lith starinti to stiffen - more at STARE 1a: to move 
   suddenly and violently : JUMP  1b: to react with a sudden brief involuntary 
   movement  2a: to issue with sudden force  2b: to come into being, activity, 
   or operation : BEGIN  3: to protrude or seem to protrude  4: to become 
   loosened or forced out of place  5a: to begin a course or journey  5b: to 
   range from a specified initial point  6: to be a participant in a game or 
   contest  1: to cause to leave a place of concealment : FLUSH  archaic  2: 
   STARTLE, ALARM  3: to bring up for consideration or discussion  4: to bring 
   into being  5: to cause to become loosened or displaced  6: to begin the 
   use or employment of  7a: to cause to move, act, or operate {~ the motor}  
   7b: to cause to enter a game or contest  7c: to care for during early 
   stages  8: to perform the first stages or actions of 
2. start n 1a: a sudden involuntary bodily movement or reaction  1b: a 
   brief and sudden action or movement  1c: a sudden capricious impulse or 
   outburst  2: a beginning of movement, activity, or development  3: a lead 
   or handicap at the beginning of a race or competition  4: a place of 
   beginning  5: the act or an instance of being a competitor in a race or a 
   member of a  starting lineup in a game