1. knee \'ne-\ \'ne-d\ n [ME, fr. OE cne-ow; akin to OHG kneo knee, L genu,
Gk g] often attrib ony 1a1: a joint in the middle part of the human leg
that is the articulation b etween the femur, tibia, and patella 1a2: the
part of the leg that includes this joint 1b1: the corresponding joint in
the hind leg of a four-footed vertebrate 1b2: the carpal joint of the
foreleg of a four-footed vertebrate 1c: the tarsal joint of a bird 1d:
the joint between the femur and tibia of an insect 2a: something
resembling the human knee 2b: a rounded or conical process rising from the
roots of various swamp-gro wing trees {cypress ~} 3: the part of a garment
covering the knee 4: a blow with the bent knee - kneed aj
2. knee vt or kneed; or archaic 1: to bend the knee to 2: to
strike with the knee