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Cross references:
  1. curve                 
1. bend \'bend\ n [ME, fr. MF bende, of Gmc origin; akin to OHG binta, bant 
   ban] [ME, band, fr. OE bend fetter - more at BAND]d - more at BAND heraldry 
    1: a diagonal band  2: the half of a butt or a hide trimmed of the thinner 
   parts  3: a knot by which one rope is fastened to another or to some object 
2. bend \'bent\ vb or bent;  or bend.ing [ME bendan, fr. OE bendan; akin to 
   OE bend fetter] 1: to constrain or strain to tension {~ a bow}  2a: to turn 
   or force from straight or even to curved or angular  2b: to force back to 
   an original straight or even condition  2c: to force from a proper shape  
   3: FASTEN {~ a sail to its yard}  4: to make submissive : SUBDUE  5: 
   DETERMINE, RESOLVE {bent on self-destruction}  6a: to cause to turn from a 
   straight course : DEFLECT  6b: GUIDE, DIRECT  6c: INCLINE, DISPOSE  7: to 
   direct strenuously or with interest : APPLY  1: to curve out of a straight 
   line or position; specif : to inclin e the body in token of submission 
   archaic  2: to direct oneself  3: INCLINE, TEND  4: to work vigorously 
3. bend n 1: the act or process of bending : the state of being bent  2: 
   something that is bent : as  2a: a curved part of a stream  2b: WALES - 
   usu. used in pl.  pl but sing or pl in constr  3: CAISSON DISEASE {a case 
   of the ~s}