Webster's English Dictionary

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Cross references:
  1. hart                  
1. hind \'hind\ n or hinds also hind [ME, fr. OE; akin to OHG hinta hind, 
   Gk kemas young deer] pl  1: a female of the red deer  2: any of various 
   typically spotted groupers 
2. hind n [ME hine servant, farmhand, fr. OE hi-na, gen. of hi-wanX, pl., 
   members of a household; akin to OE ha-m home - more at HOME 1: a British 
   farm assistant  archaic  2: RUSTIC 
3. hind aj [ME, prob. back-formation fr. OE hinder, adv., behind; akin to 
   OHG hin]tar, prep., behind : of or forming the part that follows or is 
   behind) : : REAR