Webster's English Dictionary

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1. pro.cess \'pra:s-.es, 'pro-s-, -*s\ \-.es-*z, -*-s*z, -*-.se-z\ n or 
   pro.cess.es [ME proces, fr. MF, fr. L processus, fr. processus, pp. of  pl 
   Xprocedere 1a: PROGRESS, ADVANCE  1b: something going on : PROCEEDING  2a: 
   a natural phenomenon marked by gradual changes that lead toward a parti 
   cular result {~ of growth} 2b: a series of actions or operations conducing 
   to an end; esp : a  continuous operation or treatment esp. in manufacture 
   3a: the whole course of proceedings in a legal action  3b: the summons, 
   mandate, or writ used by a court to compel the appearance  of the defendant 
   in a legal action or compliance with its orders 4: a prominent or 
   projecting part of an organism or organic structure {a  bone ~}
2. process \-.es-*r, -*-s*r, -*-.so.(*)r\ vt 1a: to proceed against by law 
   : PROSECUTE  1b1: to take out a summons against  1b2: to serve a summons on 
    2: to subject to a special process or treatment (as in the course of manuf 
   acture) - pro.ces.sor n
3. process aj 1: treated or made by a special process esp. when involving 
   synthesis or a rtificial modification 2: made by or used in a mechanical or 
   photomechanical duplicating process  3: of or involving illusory effects 
   usu. introduced during processing of t he film {~ motion-picture scene}
4. pro.cess \pr*-'ses\ vi [back-formation fr. 1procession] chiefly Brit  : 
   to move in a procession