Webster's English Dictionary

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1. leg \'leg, 'la-g\ \-l*s\ n [ME, fr. ON leggr; akin to OE li-ra muscle 
   calf, L lacertusX muscle, upper arm 1: a limb of an animal used esp. for 
   supporting the body and for walking :  as 1a: the part of the vertebrate 
   limb between the knee and foot  1b: the back half of a hindquarter of a 
   meat animal  2a: a pole or bar serving as a support or prop  2b: a branch 
   of a forked or jointed object  3: the part of an article of clothing that 
   covers the leg  4: OBEISANCE, BOW - used chiefly in the phrase to make a l 
   eg 5: either side of a triangle as distinguished from the base or 
   hypotenuse  6: BOOST  7a: the course and distance sailed by a boat on a 
   single tack  7b: a portion of a trip : STAGE  7c: one section of a relay 
   race  8: a branch or part of an object or system  - leg.less aj
2. leg vt or legged;  or leg.ging : to use the legs in walking; esp : RUN