1. lau.rel \'lo.r-*l, 'la:r-\ n [ME lorel, fr. OF lorier, fr. lor laurel,
fr. L laurus] 1: any of a genus (Laurus) of trees or shrubs of a family
(Lauraceae, the laurel family) including also the sassafras and cinnamon;
specif : a tree (L. nobilis) of southern Europe with foliage used by the
ancient Greeks to crown victors in the Pythian games 2: a tree or shrub (as
a mountain laurel or cherry laurel) like the true la urel 3: a crown of
laurel : HONOR - usu. used in pl.
2. laurel vt or lau.reled or lau.relled; or; or lau.rel.ling
: to deck or crown with laurel