Webster's English Dictionary

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Cross references:
  1. adorn                 
1. deck \'dek\ n [prob. modif. of (assumed) LG verdeck (whence G verdeck), 
   fr. (assu]med) MLG vordeck, fr. MLG vordecken to cover, fr. vor- (akin to 
   OHG fur- for-) + decken to cover; akin to OHG decken to cover - more at 
   THATCH 1: a platform in a ship serving usu. as a structural element and 
   forming th e floor for its compartments 2: something resembling the deck of 
   a ship : as  2a: the roadway of a bridge  2b: a flat floored roofless area 
   adjoining a house  3: a pack of playing cards  1: ready for duty  2: next 
   in line  - on deck 
2. deck vt [D dekken to cover; akin to OHG decken] [1deck] obs  1: COVER  
   2a: to clothe elegantly : ARRAY  2b: DECORATE  3: to furnish with or as if 
   with a deck