Webster's English Dictionary

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Cross references:
  1. real                  
1. true \'tru:\ aj [ME trewe, fr. OE tre-owe faithful; akin to OHG gitriuwi 
   f]aithful, Skt da-runsub-dot>a hard, da-ru wood - more at TREE 1a: 
   STEADFAST, LOYAL  1b: HONEST, JUST  archaic  1c: TRUTHFUL  2a1: in 
   accordance with the actual state of affairs {~ description } 2a2: 
   conformable to an essential reality  2b: IDEAL, ESSENTIAL  2c: being that 
   which is the case rather than what is manifest or assumed <(the ~ dimension 
   of the problem} 2d: CONSISTENT {~ to expectations}  3a: properly so called 
   {~ love} {the ~ faith} {the (R@ stomach} 3b1: possessing the basic 
   characters of and belonging to the same natural  group as {a whale is a ~ 
   but not a typical mammal} 3b2: TYPICAL {the ~ cats}  4: LEGITIMATE, 
   RIGHTFUL {our ~ and lawful king}  5a: that is fitted or formed or that 
   functions accurately  5b: comformable to a standard or pattern : ACCURATE  
   6: determined with reference to the earth's axis rather than the magnetic  
   poles {~ north} 7: logically necessary  8: NARROW, STRICT {in the truest 
   sense}  9: corrected for error 
2. true n 1: TRUTH, REALITY - usu. used with the  2: the quality or state 
   of being accurate (as in alignment or adjustment) -m used in the phrases in 
   true and out of true
3. true vt or trued;  or true.ing;  also tru.ing : to make level, square, 
   or concentric {~ up an engine cylinder>
4. true av [ME trewe, fr. trewe, adj., true] 1: TRUTHFULLY  2a: ACCURATELY 
   {the bullet flew straight and ~}  2b: without variation from type {breed ~}