Webster's English Dictionary

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lig.a.ture \'lig-*-.chu.(*)r, -ch*r, -.t(y)u.(*)r\ n [ME, fr. MF, fr. LL 
   ligatura, fr. L ligatus, pp. of ligare to] bind, tie; akin to MHG geleich 
   joint, Alb lith I tie 1a: something that is used to bind; specif : a 
   filament (as a threa d) used in surgery 1b: something that unites or 
   connects : BOND  2: the action of binding or tying  3: a compound note in 
   mensural notation indicating a group of musical notes  to be sung to one 
   syllable 4: a printed or written character consisting of two or more 
   letters or char acters united (as )