Webster's English Dictionary

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1. group \'gru:p\ n [F groupe, fr. It gruppo, of Gmc origin; akin to OHG 
   kropf cr]aw - more at CROP 1: two or more figures forming a complete unit 
   in a composition  2a: a number of individuals assembled together or having 
   common interests  2b: an assemblage of objects regarded as a unit  2c1: a 
   military unit consisting of a headquarters and attached battalions  2c2: a 
   unit of the U.S. Air Force higher than a squadron and lower than a w ing 
   3a: an assemblage of related organisms - often used to avoid taxonomic co 
   nnotations when the kind or degree of relationship is not clearly defined 
   3b1: an assemblage of atoms forming part of a molecule {a methyl ~  (CH3)} 
   3b2: an assemblage of elements forming one of the vertical columns of the p 
   eriodic table 3c: a stratigraphic division comprising rocks deposited 
   during an era  4: a set of elements and an associative operation on pairs 
   of elements yiel ding elements of the set of such nature that for any two 
   elements there exists a third element of a kind that operation on the first 
   and third yields the second
2. group vt 1: to combine in a group  2: to assign to a group : CLASSIFY  
   1: to form a group  2: to belong to a group