Webster's English Dictionary

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Cross references:
  1. disposition            2. quality                3. type                  
1. char.ac.ter \'kar-ik-t*r\ \-l*s\ n [ME caracter, fr. MF caracte're, fr. 
   L character mark, disti]nctive quality, fr. Gk charakte-r, fr. charassein 
   to scratch, engrave; akin to Lith zhachek>erti to scratch 1a: a 
   conventionalized graphic device placed on an object as an indication  of 
   ownership, origin, or relationship 1b: a graphic symbol (as a hieroglyph, 
   alphabet letter) used in writing or  printing 1c: a magical or astrological 
   emblem  1d: ALPHABET  1e1: WRITING, PRINTING  1e2: style of writing or 
   printing  1e3: CIPHER  2a: one of the attributes or features that make up 
   and distinguish the indi vidual 2b1: a feature used to separate 
   distinguishable things (as organisms) into  categories 2b2: the detectable 
   expression of the action of a gene or group of genes  2c: the complex of 
   mental and ethical traits marking a person, group, or na tion 3: POSITION, 
   RANK  4: a short literary sketch of the qualities of a social type  5: 
   REFERENCE  6a: a person marked by notable or conspicuous traits : PERSONAGE 
    6b: one of the persons of a drama or novel  6c: the personality or part 
   which an actor re-creates  7: REPUTATION  8: moral excellence and firmness  
   - char.ac.ter.less aj
2. character vt archaic  1: ENGRAVE, INSCRIBE  archaic  2a: REPRESENT,