Webster's English Dictionary

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mas.sive \'mas-iv\ aj [ME massiffe, fr. MF massif, fr. masse mass] 1: 
   forming or consisting of a large mass :  1a: BULKY  1b: WEIGHTY, HEAVY {~ 
   walls} {a ~ volume}  1c: impressively large or ponderous  1d: having no 
   regular form but not necessarily lacking crystalline structu re {~ 
   sandstone} 2a: large, solid, or heavy in structure {~ jaw}  2b: large in 
   scope or degree {~ effect} {~ retaliation> 2c1: large in comparison to what 
   is typical {~ dose of penicillin)> 2c2: being extensive and severe {~ 
   hemorrhage} {~ collap se of a lung} 2c3: imposing in excellence or grandeur 
   : MONUMENTAL {~ si mplicity} - mas.sive.ly av