Cross references:
1. measure 2. metric system 3. bulk
1. vol.ume \'va:l-y*m, -(.)yu:m\ \-y*md, -(.)yu:md\ n [ME, fr. MF, fr. L
volumen roll of writing, fr. volvere to roll] 1: SCROLL 2a: a series of
printed sheets bound typically in book form : BOOK 2b: an arbitrary number
of issues of a periodical 2c: ALBUM 3: space occupied as measured in
cubic units (as inches, quarts, or peck) :: CAPACITY 4a1: AMOUNT; also :
BULK, MASS 4a2: a considerable quantity 4b: the amount of a substance
occupying a particular volume 4c: mass or the representation of mass in
art or architecture 5: the degree of loudness or the intensity of a sound;
also : LO UDNESS - volume aj
2. volume vi : to roll or rise in volume to send or give out in volume