Webster's English Dictionary

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1. reg.u.lar \'reg-y*-l*r\ \.reg-y*-'lar-*t-e-\ \'reg-y*-l*r-le-\ aj [ME 
   reguler, fr. MF, fr. LL regularis regular, fr. L, of a bar, fr.] regula 
   rule - more at RULE 1: belonging to a religious order  2a: formed, built, 
   arranged, or ordered according to some established rule , law, principle, 
   or type 2b1: both equilateral and equiangular {a ~ polygon}  2b2: having 
   faces that are congruent regular polygons and all the polyhedr al angles 
   congruent {a ~ polyhedron} of a flower  2c: having the members of each 
   whorl symmetrical with respect to form  2d: having or constituting an 
   isometric system {~ crystals}  3a: ORDERLY, METHODICAL  3b: recurring or 
   functioning at fixed or uniform intervals  4a: constituted, conducted, or 
   done in conformity with established or pres cribed usages, rules, or 
   discipline 4b: NORMAL, CORRECT : as  4b1: undeviating in conformance to a 
   set standard  4b2: COMPLETE, UNMITIGATED {a ~ scoundrel}  4c1: conforming 
   to the normal or usual manner of inflection  4c2: WEAK  5a: of, relating 
   to, or constituting the regular army of a state  5b: constituting or made 
   up of individuals properly recognized as legitima te combatants in 
   waronformity to a rule, standard, or pattern; NORMAL implies lack of 
   deviation from what has been discovered or established as the most usual or 
   expected; TYPICAL implies showing all important traits of a type, class, or 
   group and may suggest lack of strong individuality; NATURAL applies to what 
   conforms to a thing's essential nature, function, or mode of being - 
   reg.u.lar.i.ty n SYN syn NORMAL, TYPICAL, NATURAL: REGULAR stresses c 
2. regular n 1: one who is regular : as  1a: one of the regular clergy  1b: 
   a soldier in a regular army  1c: a player on an athletic team who usu. 
   starts every game  2: a clothing size designed to fit the person of average 