Webster's English Dictionary

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Cross references:
  1. firm                  
1. so.lid \'sa:l-*d\ aj [ME solide, fr. MF, fr. L solidus; akin to Gk holos 
   whole -] more at SAFE 1a: having an interior filled with matter  1b1: 
   printed with minimum space between lines  1b2: joined without a hyphen {a ~ 
   compound}  1c: not interrupted  2: having, involving, or dealing with three 
   dimensions or with solids {(R@ configuration} 3a: not disintegrated : not 
   loose or spongy : COMPACT  3b: neither gaseous nor liquid  4: of good 
   substantial quality or kind {~ comfort} : as  4a: SOUND {~ reasons}  4b: 
   STURDY  4c: musically excellent  5: UNANIMOUS  6a: PRUDENT; also : 
   well-established financially  6b: serious in purpose or character  7: of 
   one substance or character : as  7a: entirely of one metal or containing 
   the minimum of alloy necessary to  impart hardness {~ gold} 7b: of a single 
   color or tone  - sol.id.ly av
2. solid av : SOLIDLY; also : UNANIMOUSLY 
3. solid n 1: a geometrical figure or element (as a cube or sphere) having 
   three dimen sions 2: a substance that does not flow perceptibly under 
   moderate stress  3: a solid substance or body