Webster's English Dictionary

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mirth \'m*rth\ \-f*l\ \-f*-le-\ n [ME, fr. OE myrgth, fr. myrge merry - 
   more at MERRY] : gladness or gaiety as shown by or accompanied with 
   laughter ally lightness of heart and love of gaiety and specif. denotes 
   laughter; GLEE stresses exultation shown in laughter, cries of joy, or 
   sometimes malicious delight; JOLLITY suggests exuberance or lack of 
   restraint in mirth or glee; HILARITY suggests loud or irrepressible 
   laughter or high-spirited boisterousness - mirth.ful aj SYN syn GLEE, 
   JOLLITY, HILARITY: MIRTH implies gener