Webster's English Dictionary

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1. heart \'ha:rt\ n [ME hert, fr. OE heorte; akin to OHG herza heart, L 
   cord-)X, cor, Gk kardia 1a: a hollow muscular organ of vertebrate animals 
   that by its rhythmic cont raction acts as a force pump maintaining the 
   circulation of the blood 1b: a structure in an invertebrate animal 
   functionally analogous to the ver tebrate heart 1c: BREAST, BOSOM  1d: 
   something resembling a heart in shape; specif : a conventionali zed 
   representation of a heart 2a: a playing card marked with a conventionalized 
   figure of a heart  pl  2b: the suit comprising cards so marked  pl but sing 
   in constr  2c: a game in which the object is to avoid taking tricks 
   containing hearts  3a1: the whole personality including intellectual as 
   well as emotional func tions or traits obs  3a2: INTELLECT  3a3: MEMORY, 
   ROTE  3a4: OPINION, ATTITUDE  3b1: the emotional or moral as distinguished 
   from the intellectual nature  3b2: generous disposition : COMPASSION  3b3: 
   3e1: TASTE, LIKING  3e2: fixed purpose or desire  3e3: intense concern, 
   solicitude, or preoccupation  3f: one's innermost being  4: PERSON  5a: the 
   central or innermost part : CENTER  5b: the essential or most vital part of 
   something  : with deep concern  - to heart 
2. heart vt archaic  1: HEARTEN  2: to fix or seat in the heart