Webster's English Dictionary

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1. love \'l*v\ n [ME, fr. OE lufu; akin to OHG lupa love, OE le-of dear, 
   L]lube-re, libe-re to please 1a: affection based on admiration or 
   benevolence  1b: an assurance of love  2a: warm attachment, enthusiasm, or 
   devotion {~ of the sea}  2b: the object of such attachment or devotion  3a: 
   unselfish concern that freely accepts another in loyalty and seeks his  
   good : 3a1: the fatherly concern of God for man  3a2: brotherly concern for 
   others  3b: man's adoration of God  4a: the attraction based on sexual 
   desire : the affection and tenderness  felt by lovers 4b: a god or 
   personification of love  4c: an amorous episode : LOVE AFFAIR  4d: the 
   sexual embrace : COPULATION  5: a beloved person : DARLING  6: a score of 
   zero in tennis  cap, Christian Science  7: GOD 
2. love vt 1: to hold dear : CHERISH  2a: to feel a lover's passion, 
   devotion, or tenderness for  2b: CARESS  3: to like or desire actively : 
   take pleasure in {loved to play  the violin} 4: to thrive in {the rose ~s 
   sunlight}  : to feel affection or experience desire