Webster's English Dictionary

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mer.ry \'mer-e-\ aj [ME mery, fr. OE myrge, merge; akin to OHG murg short 
   -m more at BRIEF archaic  1: giving pleasure : DELIGHTFUL  2: full of 
   gaiety or high spirits : MIRTHFUL  3: marked by festivity or gaiety  4: 
   BRISK, INTENSE {a ~ pace} uggests cheerful, joyous, uninhibited enjoyment 
   of frolic or festivity; BLITHE suggests freshness and lightheartedness as 
   shown by singing, skipping, dancing: JOCUND stresses elation and 
   exhilaration of spirits; JOVIAL suggests the stimulation of conviviality 
   and good fellowship; JOLLY suggests high spirits expressed in laughing, 
   bantering, and jesting SYN syn BLITHE, JOCUND, JOVIAL, JOLLY: MERRY s