Webster's English Dictionary

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Cross references:
  1. erase                 
oblit.er.ate \*-'blit-*-.ra-t, o--\ \-.blit-*-'ra--sh*n\ 
   \-'blit-*-.ra-t-iv, -r*t-\ vt [L oblitteratus, pp. of oblitterare, fr. ob 
   in the way of + (Xlittera letter - more at EPI- 1: to make undecipherable 
   or imperceptible by obscuring or wearing away  2a: to remove utterly from 
   recognition or memory  2b: to destroy utterly all trace, indication, or 
   significance of  2c: to cause to disappear : REMOVE  3: CANCEL  - 
   oblit.er.a.tion n