Webster's English Dictionary

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1. let.ter \'let-*r\ n [ME, fr. OF lettre, fr. L littera letter of the 
   alphabet, litter]ae, pl., epistle, literature 1: a symbol usu. written or 
   printed representing a speech sound and constit uting a unit of an alphabet 
   2a: a direct or personal written or printed message addressed to a person o 
   r organization 2b: a written communication containing a grant - usu. used 
   in pl.  pl but sing or pl in constr  3a: LITERATURE, BELLES LETTRES  3b: 
   LEARNING  4: the strict or outward sense or significance  5a: a single 
   piece of type  5b: a style of type  5c: TYPE; esp : a supply of type  6: 
   the initial of a school awarded to a student for achievement usu. in ath 
2. letter \-*r-*r\ vt 1: to set down in letters : PRINT  2: to mark with 
   letters : INSCRIBE  - let.ter.er n
3. let.ter \'let-*r\ n : one that rents or leases