Webster's English Dictionary

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erase \i-'ra-s\ vb [L erasus, pp. of eradere, fr. e- + radere to 
   scratch,]scrape - more at RAT 1a: to rub or scrape out (as written, 
   painted, or engraved letters)  1b: to remove (recorded matter) from a 
   magnetic tape or wire  2: to remove from existence or memory as if by 
   erasing  : to yield to being erased  (out), DELETE: ERASE implies the act 
   of rubbing or wiping out (letters or impressions) often in preparation for 
   correction or new matter; EXPUNGE stresses a removal or destruction that 
   leaves no trace; CANCEL implies an action (as marking, revoking, or 
   neutralizing) that makes a thing no longer effective or usable; EFFACE 
   implies the removal of an impression by damage to or wearing off of the 
   surface; OBLITERATE and BLOT (out) both imply a covering up or smearing 
   over that removes all traces of a thing's existence; DELETE implies a 
   deliberate exclusion, or a marking to direct exclusion, or written matter