Webster's English Dictionary

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1. re.move \ri-'mu:v\ vb [ME removen, fr. OF removoir, fr. L remove-re, fr. 
   re-)X + move-re to move 1a: to change the location, position, station, or 
   residence of  1b: to transfer (a legal proceeding) from one court to 
   another  2: to move by lifting, pushing aside, or taking away or off  3: to 
   dismiss from office  4: ELIMINATE  1: to change location, station, or 
   residence  2: to go away  3: to be capable of being removed  - re.mov.er n
2. remove n 1: REMOVAL; specif : MOVE  2a: a distance or interval 
   separating one person or thing from another  2b: a degree or stage of 