ob.sti.nate \'a:b-st*-n*t\ aj [ME, fr. L obstinatus, pp. of obstinare to be
resolved, fr. ob-)X in the way + -stinare (akin to stare to stand) 1:
pertinaciously adhering to an opinion, purpose, or course in spite of r
eason, arguments, or persuasion 2: not easily subdued, remedied, or removed
{~ fever}MMULISH mean fixed and unyielding in course or purpose. OBSTINATE
implies usu. a perverse of unreasonable persistence; DOGGED suggests a
tenacious frequently sullen persistence; STUBBORN implies sturdiness in
resisting attempts to change or abandon a course or opinion; PERTINACIOUS
suggests an annoying or irksome persistence; MULISH implies a thoroughly
unreasonable obstinacy - ob.sti.nate.ly av SYN syn OBSTINATE, DOGGED,