Webster's English Dictionary

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Cross references:
  1. gaze                  
1. stare \'sta(*)r, 'ste(*)r\ vb [ME staren, fr. OE starian; akin to OHG 
   stare-n to stare,]L strenuus strenuous, Gk stereos solid, Lith starinti to 
   stiffen 1: to look fixedly often with wide open eyes  2: to show oneself 
   conspicuously  of hair  3: to stand on end : BRISTLE; also : to appear 
   rough and l usterless 1: to have an effect upon by staring {~ her down}  2: 
   to look at with a searching or earnest gaze  - star.er n
2. stare n : the act or an instance of staring