Webster's English Dictionary

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Cross references:
  1. relinquish            
1. aban.don \*-'ban-d*n\ \-m*nt\ vt [ME abandounen, fr. MF abandoner, fr. 
   abandon, n., surrender,] fr. a bandon in one's power 1: to give up with the 
   intent of never again claiming a right or interest  in 2: to withdraw from 
   often in the face of danger or encroachment {~  ship} 3: to withdraw 
   protection, support, or help from : DESERT  4: to give (oneself) over to a 
   feeling or emotion without check, restraint , or control 5a: to cease from 
   maintaining, practicing or using  5b: to cease intending or attempting to 
   perform  or thing entirely at the mercy of someone or something; DESERT 
   implies terminating an occupation, companionship, or guardianship, and 
   often implies culpable leaving of a post of duty; FORSAKE implies a 
   breaking off of a close association by repudiation or renunciation - 
   aban.don.er n SYN syn DESERT, FORSAKE: ABANDON stresses leaving a person 
2. abandon n 1: a thorough yielding to natural impulses  2: ENTHUSIASM,